The Book of 1 John
A Introduction – Eternal Life (1:1-4)
A’ Conclusion – Eternal Life (5:13-21)
B Those who make God a Liar (The emphasis on “walking”) (1:5—2:2)
- God is made a liar by improper claims regarding one’s walk with Him.
C The New Commandment – Love (2:3-17)
- The connection of keeping God’s commands and loving one another.
- The affirmation of forgiveness of sins and the promise of overcoming the evil one.
D Antichrists (2:18-27)
- Anointing received from the Holy Spirit allows the ability to discern between the truth and the lies.
- Confession is critical in understanding what it means to be a child of God.
E Confidence Before God – Do Not Sin (2:28—3:10)
- The connection between confidence before God and moral purity.
- The seed of God remains in the believer
F Love One Another (3:11-17) Love is expressed in word and in deed.
E’ Confidence Before God – Keep the Commandments (3:18-24)
- The connection between confidence before God and moral purity.
- The Spirit of God remains in the believer
D’ Antichrists and False Prophets (4:1-6)
- Testing every spirit to see if they are from God or not.
- Confession is critical in understanding if one is “of the Spirit.”
C’ God’s Love and Our Loving Response (4:7—5:5)
- The connection of loving God and loving one another.
- The affirmation of forgiveness of sins and the promise of our victory that overcomes the world.
B’ Those who make God a Liar (The emphasis on the “testimony”) (5:6-12)
- God is made a liar by improper belief to God’s Word.
A’ Conclusion – Eternal Life (5:13-21)