Exodus 1:1—6:13
Preparation for the Exodus
A Pharaoh’s Oppression of the Israelites (1:1-22)
A’ Pharaoh’s Worse oppression of the Israelites (5:5—21)
- Pharaoh, “Behold the people are too many” (1:8)
- Persecution and harsh commands from Pharaoh (1:10-12)
- Taskmasters are set over the Israelites (1:11)
- Israelites are subjected to heavy work and making bricks (1:13-14)
B Moses to Pharaoh as a Baby (2:1-10)
- Pharaoh’s daughter sends her maiden to take Moses from the water
C Moses Departs from Egypt (2:11-25)
- Moses sees a kinsman being beaten and kills him
- Pharaoh hears of it and seeks to kill Moses
- Moses is rejected by Israelites
- Moses flees to Midian from Egypt, marries Zipporah. Gershom is born
D The Call of Moses (3:1—4:17)
C’ Moses Returns to Egypt (4:18-31)
- Moses wants to return to Egypt to see how his kinsmen are doing
- Hears that Pharaoh who seeks him is dead. God’s message for Pharaoh, “I will kill your firstborn.”
- Moses is accepted by Israelites
- Moses returns to Egypt from Midian with Zipporah and Gershom
B’ Moses to Pharaoh as a Leader (5:1-4)
- Commands Pharaoh to send Israelites into the wilderness, but he refuses to send
A’ Pharaoh’s Worse oppression of the Israelites (5:5—21)
- Pharaoh, “Behold the people are too many.” (5:5)
- Taskmasters oversee the Israelites (5:6)
- Intense persecution and harsh commands from Pharaoh (5:7-12)
- Israelites are subjected to even heavier work, toiling to make bricks (5:7-21)
- 5:22—6:13 – God’s Promise!