Exodus 7-10 - Pharoah’s Responses to Each of the Plagues
Plague #1 (blood): Would not even listen to a request (7:22-23)
Plague #2 (frogs): Agreed to release the people if the frogs were taken away (8:8) Lies!
Plague #3 (lice): Refused to listen to the magicians’ suggestions (8:19)
Plague #4 (flies): Suggested Israel go for 3 days and sacrifice (8:25) Lies!
Plague #5 (livestock): Refuses (9:7)
Plague #6 (boils): Refuses (9:12)
Plague #7 (hail): Agreed to release the people if the rain and hail stopped (9:28) Lies!
Plague #8 (locusts): Agreed to let only the men go (10:11) Lies!
Plague #9 (darkness): Agreed to let the men, women, and children go; not the animals (10:24) Lies!
- Magicians also performed the miracle (7:22) [to the demise of the people?!]
- Pharoah’s heart wasn’t moved (7:23)
Plague #2 (frogs): Agreed to release the people if the frogs were taken away (8:8) Lies!
- Magicians also performed the miracle (8:7) [to the demise of the people?!]
- Pharoah hardened his heart (8:15)
Plague #3 (lice): Refused to listen to the magicians’ suggestions (8:19)
- Magicians, “this is the finger of God” (8:19)
- Pharoah’s heart grew hard (8:19)
Plague #4 (flies): Suggested Israel go for 3 days and sacrifice (8:25) Lies!
- Pharoah hardened his heart (8:32)
Plague #5 (livestock): Refuses (9:7)
- Pharoah’s heart was hard (9:7)
Plague #6 (boils): Refuses (9:12)
- Magicians, helpless (11)
- The Lord hardened Pharoah’s heart (9:12)
Plague #7 (hail): Agreed to release the people if the rain and hail stopped (9:28) Lies!
- Pharoah repents (9:27-28)
- Pharoah’s heart was hard (9:35)
Plague #8 (locusts): Agreed to let only the men go (10:11) Lies!
- Pharaoh repents (10:16-17)
- The Lord hardened Pharoah’s heart (inclusio, 10:1 and 20)
Plague #9 (darkness): Agreed to let the men, women, and children go; not the animals (10:24) Lies!
- The Lord hardened Pharoah’s heart (10:27)