A Traditional Outline of Hebrews
I. Jesus Christ is Better Than Old Testament System (1–10)
A. Christ Is Superior to Prophets (1:1–3)
B. Christ Is Superior to Angels (1:4–2:18)
1st Danger Signal: The Dangers of Drifting Away (2:1–4)
C. Christ Is Superior to Moses (3:1–4:2)
A. Christ Is Superior to Prophets (1:1–3)
B. Christ Is Superior to Angels (1:4–2:18)
1st Danger Signal: The Dangers of Drifting Away (2:1–4)
C. Christ Is Superior to Moses (3:1–4:2)
2nd Danger Signal: The Dangers of Doubting (3:7–4:2)
D. Christ Is Superior to Joshua (4:3–13)
E. Christ Is Superior to Levitical Priesthood. He is our Great High Priest (4:14–7:28).
D. Christ Is Superior to Joshua (4:3–13)
E. Christ Is Superior to Levitical Priesthood. He is our Great High Priest (4:14–7:28).
3rd Danger Signal: The Dangers of Dull Hearing and Departing (5:11—6:20)
F. Christ is Superior by a Better Covenant and Better Promises (8:1–10:39)
F. Christ is Superior by a Better Covenant and Better Promises (8:1–10:39)
1. True Tabernacle (8:1–5)
2. New Covenant, Better than the Old (8:6–13)
3. New Sanctuary, Better than the Old (9:1–10)
4. Superior Sacrifice (9:11–10:18)
5. Encouragement (10:19–25)
4th Danger Signal: The Dangers of Despising (10:26–39)
II. Jesus Christ Brings Better Benefits and Responsibilities (11–13)
A. Faith (11:1–40)
B. Hope (12:1–29)
5th Danger Signal: The Dangers of Denying (12:15–29)
C. Love (13:1–25)
II. Jesus Christ Brings Better Benefits and Responsibilities (11–13)
A. Faith (11:1–40)
B. Hope (12:1–29)
5th Danger Signal: The Dangers of Denying (12:15–29)
C. Love (13:1–25)