The Book of Joel

Section 1: The Day of the Lord—His Judgment (1:1—2:17) 
A  Judgment – The Devastating Locust: the land, the vines, the trees, and the new wine are all dried up (1:1-18)

B  “Repent!” (gather together, pray, fast, repent) (1:19-20)

A’  Judgment – The Devastating Armies (2:1-11)

B’  “Repent!” (2:1-17)

Section 2: The Day of the Lord—His Mercy and Grace (2:18—3:21) 
A  Restoration of the Land to Israel. God’s Spirit is Poured Out (2:18-32)

B  The Day of the Lord—Judgment on the Unbelieving Nations (3:1-17)

A’  God’s Promised Blessing for His People  (3:18-21)