Outline of the Book of Mark
A The Beginning – John, the “forerunner,” points to Jesus (1:1-8)
B Jesus' baptism, splitting of the heavens, "You are My son" (1:9-11)
C Jesus is tested in the wilderness (1:12-13)
D The parable of the sower (4:1-20)
E Raising of the young girl (and woman) garments, begging(5:21-43)
F The death of John the Baptist (“grieved”) (6:14-29)
G Stilling of the storm (exorcism of the storm)(6:45-52)
H “Truly You are the Christ” (8:27-9:13) Peter’s confession, the cost of being a servant, the transfiguration. The geographical transition: From Galilee to Jerusalem.
G' Exorcism of possessed boy (9:14-29)
F' Appearance of the rich (young) man (“grieved”) (10:17-22)
E' Raising of the young man Bartimaeus. Garment, begging(10:46-52)
D' Parable of the vineyard (12:1-12)
C' Jesus is tested in the temple (12:13-13:1)
B' Jesus’ death, temple veil is split, "Truly this was God's Son" (15:33-39)
A' The "post-runner," the young man (an angel), points to Jesus (16:1-8)