A Brief Outline of Titus
I. Address and Greetings to Titus (1:1-4)
II. Instructions to Titus (1:5—3:11)
A. Appoint elders/bishops on Crete; their qualifications (1:5-9)
B. Counter and rebuke false teachers, esp. Judaizers (1:10-16)
C. Teach proper behavior for men, women and slaves (2:1-10)
D. Preach about God's grace and salvation; exhort people to live “Godly lives" (2:11-15)
E. Remind people to obey authorities and respect everyone, for God's goodness has saved us (3:1-8a)
F. Insist that believers do good works, avoid useless controversies, and shun those who cause divisions (3:8b-11)
B. Counter and rebuke false teachers, esp. Judaizers (1:10-16)
C. Teach proper behavior for men, women and slaves (2:1-10)
D. Preach about God's grace and salvation; exhort people to live “Godly lives" (2:11-15)
E. Remind people to obey authorities and respect everyone, for God's goodness has saved us (3:1-8a)
F. Insist that believers do good works, avoid useless controversies, and shun those who cause divisions (3:8b-11)
III. Concluding Instructions, Greetings, and Prayer (3:12-15)